Tuesday, November 25, 2014


It is the least selfish of days.
The most basic.
We gather to eat,
and to be with
those we love
and those who love us.
We celebrate life.
We say thanks for family
and all good things.
There is no expectation of
gift or card or decoration.
It is not Jewish or
Christian or Muslim or
atheist or agnostic,
or it is all of the above.
It is as plain as plain can be.
A table, chairs all around,
the smell of hot food and
the laughter of family
and friends.
Of course we are
and do we not wish
that all of our days
could be as ordinary
as this.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

It is of faith, but I am glad to have such faith, glad to have such hope

Brittany was terminally ill with brain cancer. The cancer brought terrible pain, and sometimes prevented her from speaking or recognizing her own family. There was no hope of a cure. Doctors had removed as much of the tumor as they could, but two months later it grew back. There was only the promise that it would get worse and she would eventually die. She and her husband moved to Portland, Oregon. On November 1, she took a drug that enabled her, in her words, to die on her own terms. Brittany was 29.

She said, “My glioblastoma is going to kill me and that's out of my control. I've discussed with many experts how I would die from it and it's a terrible, terrible way to die. So being able to choose to go with dignity is less terrifying."

Then this,
"For people to argue against this choice for sick people really seems evil to me. They try to mix it up with suicide and that's really unfair, because there's not a single part of me that wants to die. But I am dying."

I have sat at the bedside of lovely people who embraced life, but who had come to a place where death looked to be a friend. My father came to that place. In my last conversation with him, he said, all I want to do is go to sleep and not wake up. I believe Brittany came to that place.

The article relating Brittany's story includes comments from a Wyoming woman who serves on a legislative committee that handles health issues in her state. “My sense is Wyoming would reject it (doctor-assisted suicide), . . . it would just be a flat 'no,' . . . That's my personal values as well: we don't get to pick. The big guy upstairs chooses when we go and when we stay.”

I am not a big fan of addressing God as the “big guy upstairs,” but more than that, I would argue that if one has never been in that place where living offers no hope, no joy, no pleasure, but only pain and loss and eventual death, then one should speak slowly or perhaps not at all.

This too. Does God go about choosing “when we go and when we stay,” as the woman from Wyoming states? Does God choose death for us?

When someone dies, especially someone young, we hear words like, “God must have needed another little angel.” Or, “God chooses only the very best.” Or, “God decided it was her time.”

I suggest to you, dear reader, another way of faith.

The Apostle Paul, in a letter to the congregation at Corinth, writes “The last enemy to be destroyed is death.” I Corinthians 15:26

Is it possible there is a battle going on? A battle between God and the enemy?

When his good friend, Lazarus, died, Jesus did not comment, “Well, it was his time to go. God's will. Because we all know, the big guy upstairs chooses when we go and when we stay.”

No. When his good friend died, Jesus wept. God cried. And we do too.

But more. God and God's people do battle against the forces of death: poverty, racism, prejudice, injustice, hunger, cancer, heart disease, diabetes . . . . all that strive to take life away.

Death is the enemy.

A decisive battle took place a long time ago, on a day we now call Good Friday. A young Jewish Rabbi, named Jesus, was put to death. His body was taken down from a cross and laid in a tomb. It seemed once again that the enemy had won.

But when some women come to the tomb early Sunday morning, he is not to be found.

Some, who had been his students, his followers, later said they saw him, talked with him, ate with him, were both surprised and glad at his appearing. They told others. The news has traveled down through the centuries, so we too have heard the tale and are free to tell it.

That long ago Sunday morning changed everything. That Sunday morning is a promise that the enemy will not have the final word. That Sunday morning is a glimpse into our future.

The raising up of Lazarus was a prelude to that Sunday morning. In the resurrection of Jesus from death to life, we are promised that we too will be raised up. We will be set back on our feet again in another part of God's kingdom, no less beautiful than this place called earth.

God's promise. Our hope.

Brittany wanted to live, but what she woke up to each morning was not life. The enemy had already won. She just surrendered early. I will not judge her. Neither should anyone else.
And what about God? God weeps.

One day I will die. As will you. I don't much care for the idea. But it will not be God who takes my life. Death is the enemy.

In the end, God will have the final word. Life. The last enemy will be defeated.

It is of faith for sure.

But I am glad to have such faith, glad to have such hope.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

The light is better

A man is seen late at night, walking in slow circles below a street light, looking down. Another gentleman comes by and asks if he needs help. The first man answers that he is looking for his billfold. The second man asks, “Did you lose it close to this lamp post?” The first man responds, “No, I lost my billfold over there.” He points down the block into the darkness. “Then why are you looking over here?” “Well,” says the first man, “the light is better over here.”

I am angry at a friend, but I do not wish to hurt his feelings, so I say nothing. Then one day I say something to my wife in a joking way, but it is also a criticism and there is anger under the humor. The moment I say the words I know I wanted to say those words to the friend, but it is easier to say them to my wife. The light is better.

We do this. We yell at our children when we want to yell at our boss. We take it out on a co-worker when we are having trouble at home. We express frustration with a friend when we are really frustrated with ourselves. Because the light is better. It is easier. But the truth is never found.


Thursday, November 6, 2014


Jesus answered, “I have told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in my Father’s name testify to me; but you do not believe, because you do not belong to my sheep.”
John 10:25-26

We are used to hearing, even saying, “If you will believe as we believe, then you can belong with us; you can be a part of us, be a part of our community.”

In other words, believing comes first. Believe and then you can belong.

Which also means that if you do not believe, you cannot belong.

Jesus seems to be saying something else. Tag along with me, and let’s see what happens. Be a part of my community. Maybe faith will come.

In other words, belonging comes first. Belonging may lead to believing.

It works for children.
